Wednesday, June 18, 2014

How To Dump / Backup ANY Android ROM

Getting full ROM backup or making a ROM dump on any android device

So, you came to fully backup your device or make a ROM dump? While thinking of my next article to write, I just thought of making a ClockworkMod (CWM) flashable zips for applying mods but considering the possible risks on our android device, I thought of creating a current ROM backup state in case something unwanted happens. Well, here it is.

android romdump backup
On this article, I’ll be presenting the various ways and the step by step guides on how to fully backup ROM state or create a ROM dump on any android device (smart phones or tablets). I have already created an article about the ways how to backup files, apps, etc. on any android device but from there, I was not able to discuss deeply how to do ROM backup or ROM dumping.

Ways to backup ROM and dump ROM applicable for any Android phones

If In case you don’t know, there are several ways to do a full ROM backup, that’s why I made this article so you can choose from the ways how to do it on your own which also varies from your device. So here are the ways which I already knew as of this time:

1. For MediaTek (MTK) devices, using SP Flash Tool and MTK Droid Root and Tools can help us make a full ROM backup or ROM dump.
2. For any device having ClockworkMod (CWM) recovery and TWRP, making a Nandroid backup can also provide one.
3. For all other android devices as long as it has ROOT access or Superuser rights, doing the simple ROM dumping method through romdump script for any partitions will work great.
  • We will discuss that below.

Easy way to dump or backup any android ROM

Disclaimer: We are not liable for any issues as a result of the procedure on your device. You are the one responsible of deciding to mess with your device so try at your own risk.

Things we need:


  1. Open Root Explorer and extract
  2. Copy the extracted romdump file, then paste it on the root data/local/ folder.
  3. Open Terminal Emulator
  4. Type: su
  5. Type: chmod 04755 /data/local/romdump
  6. Type: /data/local/romdump
  7. The script will perform the ROM dump, just wait for it to be done.
  8. Once done, go to Root Explorer and find the romdump folder
  9. From there, you will see the backup / romdump you have made.

Congrats! Now, you have made a ROM dump of your device. Use it as a backup or as a base ROM for making custom ROMs.


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